Saturday, June 2, 2007

Farming is Cool

Today in Rotorua we went to a tourist farm show, called the Agrodome. It was a brilliant example of tourist kitsch, but we loved it. We got to see a sheepdog round up some sheep, and a guy shear one right on stage.

The best part was that Gina got to milk a real cow. On stage. In front of about a hundred adoring Japanese tourists. And yes, there are pictures!

Here's also another shout out to Gina's mom, who sent us on this trip with a few Purell wipes. Suffice to say Gina was pleased to be able to use them after that experience. She said it felt greasy. This, you see, is why I chose not to partake of the cow-milking. The funny thing was, when the presenter asked for volunteers, her hand shot in the air like a teacher's pet answering a particularly tough question. A once in a lifetime opportunity, I guess. At least there are pictures so we can be sure to never let her forget it.

Here I am in front of a real, live Merino sheep.

Finally, as an added bonus, we blogged a few days ago that we saw seals swimming. We took a little video with our camera and we're pleased to be able to post it here. It may not be available until Sunday morning, 6/3 thanks to YouTube. Hopefully it'll work!

1 comment:

Rainy said...

Hi guys... Love the Pictures...I want to blow up the one of Gina milking the cow... Hang it in my living room! Probably won't get another one like it.. Although who knows, maybe you'll love farming so much you'll buy a farm! Looks like you're making the most of your experiences which is terrific! Couldn't get the video to work though..going to try on my personal computer.. Work might be blocking it.

Rainy, downpouring day today...Good day for Ducks! I had Lake Wells in my driveway this morning. We seem to be back to typical NE weather - shouldn't be a hot this week and rain should stop tomorrow.

Had Dinner with Mona Friday night and stayed and watched a couple of shows with her...Gina's parents went away for the weekend.. Had a good time visiting with just her. She was doing fine without them - but glad for company.

Love you - have a blast! Auntie Rainy!