Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What's a Blog and How do I Use It?

Just some pointers for those of you who may be new to reading a blog.

What's a Blog?

The term "blog" is short for web log. It's a public, online journal. When we're able, we'll write posts about where we are and what we're up to, and the entries will appear on this webpage.

Blogs are also interactive. You can leave public comments for others to read. Please see "Leaving Comments" below for more info.

Subscribing to New Posts

If you would like to subscribe to the blog and receive an email when it is updated, enter your email address here:

Enter Your Email » 

Important: You will receive an email from the subscription service, R-Mail, asking you to confirm. Be sure to click the link in it to do so.

R-Mail says they will notify you within about two hours of any new posts, but I tried it and it took about twelve. Emails will come from "Gina and Bob Global" with the address alert@r-mail.org - if you add that email address to your contacts, the email alerts won't get trapped in your spam filter. Speaking of spam, for those of you rightly concerned about controlling the amount you receive, R-Mail's privacy policy states as of May 1, 2007 that they will not to disseminate your e-mail address to third parties.

If you're awesome and have an RSS reader such as Google Reader or Feedburner, you can subscribe via that method as well.

Viewing Old Posts

There is a "Blog Archive" at the right side of this page. It's organized by date and you can look up our previous posts.

Leaving Public Comments

One spiffy feature of a blog is that you can leave us public feedback. Remember, others will be able to see what you wrote.

If you'd like to leave public comments on our blog posts, you'll need a Google Account. Please click here to obtain one. You'll only need this account to leave public comments on the blog itself, and remember that when signing up the name you give is the name that'll be displayed.

To leave a comment, login to your Google account and click the "comments" link at the bottom of the post to which you'd like to respond.

Contacting Us Privately Via Email

If public comments aren't your style, you can contact us via email. Please do so via the following web page: http://www.zudnic.net/contact or by an email address for one of us that you already know. Our ability to respond privately may be limited.


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